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Showing posts from 2016

DIY Creativity in the Classroom

A Creative classroom environment always has some elements of creativity and innovation which makes the teaching and learning more interesting and interactive. It helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. Attractive Classrooms can really transform the way students acquire education and how they apply it in their real life. In fact, creative expression plays a key role in a student’s emotional development.

The Alphabet Books

Alphabet Books made as a language acquisition for  blooming buds so that they can recognize, identify the pictures, develop literary skills, understand about capital and small letters and also know about the phonetic sounds.    

Ding Dong Bell 🔔🔔

Learning and singing rhymes boosts the confidence of young children. Rhymes are also a handy tool for engaging kids which develops cognitive skills, inferencing skills, speech enhancement,  vocabulary, listening and comprehension. To demonstrate the understanding about the rhyme Ding Dong Bell  I have created  these props for children to make them understand and imbibe the feelings and emotions well. Ding, dong, bell, Pussy’s in the well. Who put her in? Little Johnny Flynn. Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout. What a naughty boy was that, To try to drown poor pussy cat.    

Vibrant Rhyme Stall 🍔

Rhymes play an important role in the child's life as rhymes teaches children how language works, experience the rhythm of language, expands the imagination and adds joy.  Here I have created this Hot Cross Bun Stall to give the feeling of the Rhyme Recitation.

Story Puppets- The Rabbit and The Tortoise

Story Enactment Puppets These hand puppets are made to narrate the story "The Rabbit and the Tortoise".  As Puppets  are a great way to engage the attention and imagination of children.

Puppetry Box 😊

I made this PUPPET  THEATRE for my kids so that they can create their own stories enthusiastically and can express their stories using it.  This help the students to develop thinking and communication skills.  Kids can learn storytelling, role playing, self expression, and more. Puppet theatres are important because they provide a safe place behind the curtain—and most children find them less intimidating for performing plays. Puppets offer children an engaging way to interact and explore their knowledge and understanding of the world.

Subtraction Corner

To make the students understand the concept of reduce, take away, left remain,  decrease i.e subtraction. This DIY shop like environment is created as  'Toys World' in which I displayed many different objects like bat, ball, books, toys, teddy bear etc and also price tagged every object under no. 1 to 10. Then some students acted like a shopkeeper and customers and was  provided with the flash cards of numbers. Students were able to apply and tried to make real life connections.  

Explore Feelings 😊

Activity- "FIRST DAY FEELING" Students were given colorful post-it and were asked to write their names on it then whatever  they felt (excited, happy and sad) on the first day of their new class they put their name post it on particular smiley respectively. Results were Most of them were excited and some of them were happy, no one was sad.